
Black-faced spoonbill A42 with Green

Black-faced spoonbill A42 with Green

I took photo for Black-faced spoonbill A42 with Green ring at Mai Po Boardwalk New Hide on 13apr 2019
but I could not find any record for this bird on your website or TAIWAN Black-faced spoonbill Conservation Network.
Would you mind to check and advice where I can get record of this bird ?
by the way, I could not provide record for this bird on website.

[ Last edited by 深圳大鱼 at 17/04/2019 00:34 ]


Black-faced spoonbill A42

Many tks for your reply!
I am so happy to know this BFS is under good condition after been released .

I found BFS A41 was similar with BFS A42.
It was weak and rescued at Lok Ma Chau ,Hk on 18Feb 2018 and released on 5Mar 2019.
I can find BFS A41 full detail on ( attachment is for your ref . )

But I could not find any detail of A42 on
it show " no record " for A42 after searching.
If they missed to post A42 detail  on website of Taiwan Black-Faced Spoonbill Conservation Association ?
or any other reason ?

your reply will be apprecited !


A41 DETAIL.pdf (57.29 KB)

17/04/2019 14:31, Downloaded count: 503

