
Tern's ID please

Like others, I've been puzzling a bit over this bird. I can see why Sandwich was suggested, but I don't think the structure is right and I don't think the pale tip to the bill is well defined. Plus, as richard pointed out, the red legs rule out sandwich.

The problem comes from the fact that this is a bird in winter plumage, which we are not familiar with in this part of the world. I don't think it's a bird from this year, which should show at least some juvenile plumage - I think it's actually a full adult. My initial feeling was that this would turn out to be a Common Tern in winter plumage. Now I don't think that's right though - I don't think the underwing pattern is right for Common. Like others, I suspect this is actually a Roseate Tern, which has already moulted out of breeding plumage.

