
Unknown Plover

I actually get a Kentish feel to this bird. The size, structure and horizontal stance look right to me. The legs are black, and the bill looks fairly fine (OK, it's hard to judge with the mud). It is possible for Kentish to show a slight chestnut tinge in the ear coverts and breast band - see for example ... Family_ID=&p=12

The bird is surely not Greater Sand Plover, which should normally look larger, heavier billed and longer legs (wth paler legs). Also most have at least some breeding plumage by now. It may be Lesser sand Plover but I would expect that to look slightly more 'upright' and small-headed. Lesser has a fairly thick, short bill (again, tricky to judge at this angle). And at least some Lessers are now showing breeding plumage - I would expect darker flanks than this bird shows.

If there are more photos, it would be very useful to be sure which species this is.

