
Possible Nordmann's

I agree that this is a Nordmann's moulting out of breeding plumage, for the reasons given by Dave - structure and 'notched' pattern on retained breeding scapulars. I don't think Common Greenshank would ever show this head and neck pattern as well - pale with darker 'blotches' (rather than well-defined streaks), resembling the winter plumage of Nordmann's. The new winter-plumage feathers moulting into the back are also more like Nordmann's (pale grey, with plain white fringes).


Yes, you're probably right that this is a first summer. There are a few worn breeding-type feathers (with white notches) in the upperparts, but most of the old feathers are not those of a breeding bird. For some reason I didn't think about first summer plumage yesterday when I wrote my reply.

