
[Hong Kong] Owls in Causeway Bay

I would say:
Barn Owl x3 (Geoff, the long-winged bird in the background is Barn)
Barn/Grass Owl x1 (on the chair - I think a dark-breasted Barn but not sure)
Little Owl x1
Collared/Indian Scops Owl x2
Tawny Owl x1
Behind the lamp-post, lower bird is a Barn Owl, middle I think is another Tawny (but not very sure - could be Ural or something else!) and the top bird I don't know - not Ural I think (too small headed), might be one of the American Strix or a Wood Owl (Mottled Wood Owl maybe?)

I think Olivia Newton John has bigger things on her plate at the moment than posing with a few owls:

Geoff, you need to get away from Causeway Bay and onto Po Toi - migration is kicking off this week!

