
Return of 'breeding' Barn Swallow 家燕回歸

I've seen up to 10 Barn Swallows in Mai Po Village so far this year - they do seem to return very early!

A pair of Red-rumped Swallows has also returned to the nest site they used last year, and there was a second pair in the village a few days ago. I actually saw the red-rumped returning to the nest site as long ago as 22nd November - especially amazing because they don't seem to breed until April or May!


Three Barn Swallows singing over Mai Po Village this afternoon, and one singing near San Tin earlier in the week. I haven't seen any nest-building yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of days!


Interesting that you and I seem to have been thinking the same thing, Tung. There seem to be very few swallows around, and none at all in the village yet.


The Red-rumped Swallow data here are a bit deceptive. In fact, the birds seem to turn up occasionally throughout the winter. I often see them in November and December (counts of up to 10 in Mai Po Village last December), and have seen nest-building activity at that time.

My impression is that Red-rumped tends to remain in the general area through the winter, and returns to the breeding site to repair nests. More birds (first-time nesters?) then turn up later in the spring, often not until April-May.

