
荔枝角公園隨想 - a story in Lai Chi Kok Park

Personally, I think the birding world is getting more and more complicated as photography moved into the subject. Photographing birds itself is harmless and also very useful, it is good for identifying species or recording new records.

I think the reason why some birders don't want to post the rare birds records up on the internet any more is because they love birds. They have seen in the pass people disturbing the birds after the news was out, and therefore don't want it to happen again. But on the other hand, the photographers might think letting the news out will decrease the "worth" of their photographs.

But honestly, conservationist and photographers will always have a different opinion. The conservationist will always think protection of birds is the priority, while the photographers think taking a good photo is a priority.

Indeed, Joe is right, many people is now using birds to become famous in some aspect. They probably didn't start as a birdwatcher like many people in the HKBWS, therefore have a lack of knowlege in conservation.

Many birdwatchers have now also taken on photography, I am personally one of them. But we need to keep the balance between not disturbing the birds, and taking a good photograph. What will the people visiting HK thinks when they see some people throwing stones at birds just to take a good photo? What will the younger generation of birdwatchers think? Will they do the same thing?

I wouldn't go as far as calling this a "war" between birders and photographers, but I am sure that if they don't understand the conservation which is needed, this argument will continue.
As The Crow Flies- a Hong Kong Birding Blog

