A very hot day, but rather rewarding with many waders species. Also a few interesting species around Mai Po. Didn't see the Black-winged Kite, I was probably looking at wrong place as I came out and saw on the black board it was at scrape 23...Also, a possible Black Bittern but didn't get a clear enough view to confirm it.
Straited Heron
Cinnamon Bittern x1
Black-faced Spoonbill x2
Bonelli's Eagle x3
Black-winged Stilt
Lesser Sand Plover
Greater Sand Plover
Pacific Golden Plover
Grey Plover
Greater Painted Snipe x1 female
Eurasian Curlew
Black-tailed Godwit
Asian Dowitcher x9
Grey-tailed Tattler
Terek Sandpiper
Spotted Redshank
Common Greenshank
Marsh Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Broad-billed Sandpiper
Red-necked Stint
Caspian Tern