
Flycatcher - Hainan Blue or Blue-throated?

Original posted by gary at 12/09/2010 23:15
This bird was again seen in Tai Po Kau today, supposing the same bird.
For me, I go for Blue-throated Flycatcher, although it can not rule out Hainan Blue Flycatcher.
Observation on field give me an i ...
If this was blue-throated flycatcher, how about this bird?

It shows a orange chest and throat. Also, I think the bill's shape was a bit different, although it may be due to the angle of shots.
On the field, these two birds showed a different behavior. Beetle's one would like to fan and shake its tail, but mine would be very stable and unactive. I don't know if this is a good judgement on their ID, and I think this could be a interesting topic to be discussed. Thank you very much.

