
Warbler ID please

Warbler ID please

In LV, 10-1-2011 afternoon

It kept jumping on the ground and did not call. It was not so active and no climbing behaviour was observed.
Would it be a greenish warbler? A Blyth's warbler or other?
Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you very much.



Thank you so much. But It seems different from those yellow-browed warblers I have encountered before.
The color or bill and legs are quite different. Do you think that is due to the mud sticked on it?


Thank you for RUWright's informative comment!
I am grateful to all suggestion. Although the first sense of this bird is not a yellow-browed warbler to me, it comes to be much pointed to yellow-browed...

For the Hume's yellow-Browed  warbler, I am totally unfamiliar with it! Thanks for telling more information for this bird=]
I may conclude that it might be a yellow-browed warbler.

On the field, it seemed quite large, but may be the weather is so cold. Also, it jumped on the field but not trees. Finally, the black tone of legs and bill were strange. To sum up of these features, I am pluzzed for its ID, but now, I think my guesses of Bylth's leaf warbler and greenish warbler were far from acceptable guesses. I am sorry about that

Many thanks again!

