
Bee Bird?

Bee Bird?

Yesterday during a huge thunderstorm I spotted a small bird which was feeding on a tree outside my window.  It looked like a hummingbird to me, but apparently they only live in the US.  My students told me that the name for it in Chinese is the bee bird.  I searched the birds of Hong Kong and the nearest thing I could find was a hook tailed sunbird, but the information given for that bird says it can feed on the wing but prefers to feed while perching.  I have never seen this bird perching, always feeding on the wing.  Can anyone tell me what the common English name or the scientific name is for this bird?  I was amazed by the fact that it seemed totally oblivious to the torrential downpour!  Here's a link to a video I took of it (sorry for the poor quality).



Thank you for your answers.  I really think it looks more like a bird, but I'm probably wrong.  I just went to flickr and google images and yes, the hummingbird hawk moth does look very much like what I saw.  I think that makes the fact it was feeding in a downpour even more surprising!
Here are a couple of blurry stills captured from the video.

[ Last edited by bernieszu at 24/09/2009 23:30 ]

