
Black Redstart?

The Black Redstart was seen at Po Toi again today (Sat 9 Apr).

It was initially very shy and elusive, giving brief views in the morning and lunchtime period at three sites, all near the Sister's Cafe: (1) the edge of the banana field (next to the football field), (2) the wooded area on the left of the steps leading up to the Sister's Cafe and (3) the grave site that leads up to the school, but at the Sister's Cafe end only.

In the afternoon it was seen more frequently at site (1). Several times it flew into a large mango tree on the edge of a small cliff on the seaward side of the banana field. It would then drop down either onto the main trunk of the tree or onto the ground underneath the tree. It was also seen in the rocky vegetable field just above the banana field.

If anyone goes to Po Toi tomorrow, this is obviously the best place to look.

Also seen today on Po Toi:

a Hoopoe (at the grave site)
3 Ashy Minivets
one Black Bulbul
c 15 Chestnut Bulbuls
a few Yellow-browed Warblers
a Blue-and-white Flycatcher
Black-faced, Little & Chestnut Buntings

and from the Po Toi ferry:

3 Greater Crested Terns
c 30 Red-naceked Phalaropes.

A great day for those who saw or photographed the redstart, but otherwise, a dry & rather hot day, and not especially birdy for the time of year.

