
Comments on the Grey-tailed/Wandering Tattler

Thanks, Brendan & the overssas expert.

I was asking questions about the Po Toi bird rather than pushing ID as Wandering. Though the nasal groove still seems to me to exceed 50% of bill length, the lack of grey on the flanks and the fairly obvious edge-spotting do stand out. No problem as far as I'm concerned in ID-ing as Grey-tailed.

As far as I know, the only record within Chinese waters (taking a conservative view of Chinese maritime territory here!) is one in Taiwan on an unknown date in autumn 2088. Can anyone provide more details of this? And does anyone know of any other credible records?


More Wandering Tattler records from Taiwan:

The Avifauna of Taiwan (2010) apparently lists 12 records, the first on 2 Dec 1977 followed by seven records in spring (19 Apr-20 May) and four in autumn (29 July-6 Oct). The autumn 2008 bird is probably not amongst these.

Does anyone know if an English-language version of the Avifauna of Taiwan is likely to come out?

