
Shing Mun Country Park 城門郊野公園

Shing Mun Country Park 城門郊野公園

from the count of Bird Index today

Fujian Niltava - one adult male
Mountain Bulbul - four
Scaly Thrush - one


A Chinese Leaf Warbler was seen in a bird flock around a bridge on the main road (north of Shing Mun reservoir, near the Lead Mine Pass junction).
The composition of bird flock included Pallas's Leaf Warbler (up to fifteen individuals), Blyth's Leaf Warbler, Japanese White-eye, Chestnut-flanked White-eye, Rufous-capped Babbler and Grey-headed Flycatcher.

If someone wants to see it, you should focus on the big bird wave.

Some other birds in Shing Mun today,
Chestnut-flanked White-eye - two individuals in two different bird wave
Ashy Drongo
Red-flanked Bluetail - one male
Grey-backed Thrush
Japanese Thrush


thanks Mike ...... a pretty good day for birds ...


For someone who is interested in finding the big bird wave, you can see there has two bridges at the north of reservoir. The bird wave was found near the bridge and the fung shui wood area. The time is around 1000am. You may find the Chinese Leaf Warbler and other warblers there.

[ Last edited by HKBWS Surveyor at 5/11/2008 14:14 ]


Asian Paradise Flycatcher - female
Mugimaki Flycatcher - immature male
Hainan Blue Flycatcher - 1 heard
Grey-headed Flycatcher - 3
Black-naped Monarch - 1
Chestnut-flanked White-eye - 3 heard


42 Great Cormorant were seen flying over the reservoir in the morning.

With regard to the question by john, sound between Chestnut-flanked White-eye and Japanese White-eye is slightly different. Just like Buff-bellied and Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker, their sound and song are slightly different. I don’t know how to write the sound in language but I know their differences.

I think, if someone can observe more than 10 times of CFWE, I suppose he/she will learn how to distinguish them among the white-eye flocks and even frequently hear them in the deep forest in winter.


[ Last edited by hgeorge at 19/02/2009 15:21 ]

