
[Others 其他] Trends of bird species and population from 1/ 07 - 5/09 鳥種及數目趨勢

Trends of bird species and population from 1/ 07 - 5/09 鳥種及數目趨勢

The following figures are the trends of bird species and trends of bird population.
The survey was conducted from January 2007 to May 2009 on weekly based.
Please feel free to comment and discuss.


‘Bird number / 10’ means the bird number (population) is being ten-divided.

[ Last edited by Webcreeper at 14/07/2009 12:11 ]


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14/07/2009 10:12

Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve


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14/07/2009 10:12

Shing Mun Country Park


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14/07/2009 10:12

Tai Mo Shan


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14/07/2009 10:12

Kam Tin



Thanks for all friends' comments.

The methodology is given as following.
Part II Methodology (from the survey manual for “Studying Landbirds in Important Bird Habitats of Hong Kong, especially in the IBAs”)
2.1 Line transect technique is used to survey the species (diversity) and number of birds (total population) and to include the best sites in terms of bird density and species diversity.
2.2 Is limited by accessibility: road and footpath are the only choices in this project Whole transect is sub-divided into about 10 sections, so that data from each section are recorded independently
2.3 All species were recorded visually or aurally on the two sides of transect.
2.4 Bird survey will be conducted between 0800h to 1200h or 1400h to 1900h once per week that is around 3 - 4 hours would be spent in each bird survey throughout the study period
2.5 Survey time is based on the peak activity of birds during the pilot survey
2.6 Arrival time at the beginning and ending of each survey sub-section is recorded, so as the weather of the whole survey period
2.7 In summer, bird survey frequency might be reduced to biweekly in case of bad weather, such as heavy raining or typhoon.
2.8 The survey frequency is typically once a week, the survey data is not sufficient to monitor day to day variation.
2.9 Week to week variation could not be clearly seen either, although some particular case studies might be done. Realistically, month to month variation what we can safely expected. That would be sufficient to study the changes in abnormal summer or winter months.

[ Last edited by hgeorge at 17/07/2009 16:04 ]

