
[Oversea] Birding in Hungary and Vienna

Birding in Hungary and Vienna


今次去,有自己去市區的公園及近郊的樹林,有揾鳥導帶入保護區及去了一些當地一些BIRD HIDE

部份雀名可能有錯, 請指正

維也納  Vienna

鷦鷯 Wren

鴛鴦 Mandarin Duck

蒼鷺 Grey Heron

匈牙利  Hungary

普通鳾 Eurasian Nuthatch

歐亞鴝  Eurasian Robin

大山雀 Great Tit

白鸛 White Stock

松鴉 Eurasian Jay

中斑啄木鳥 Middle Spotted Woodpecker

烏鶇  Common Black bird

錫咀雀  Hawfinch

灰斑鳩 Eurasian Collared Dove

灰頭林鴿 Woodpigeon

佛法僧 Eurasian Roller

雀鷹 Eurasian Sparrowhawk

山斑鳩 European Turtle Dove

紅脚隼  Red-footed Falcon



烏鶇 Comon Blackbird

歌鶇 Song Thrush

環頸雉 Eurasian Pheasant

斑鶲 Spotted Flycatcher

紅胸姬鶲 Red-brested Flycatcher

黍鵐 Corn Bunting

紫鷺 Purple Heron

文須雀 Bearded Reedling

灰雁 Greylag Goose

Pygmy Cormarant黑頸鸕鷀

小灰伯勞 Lesser Grey Shrike

紅背伯勞 Red-backed Shrike

紅隼 Kestrel

短趾旋木雀Short-toed Treecreeper

??蜂虎 Eurasian Bee-eater

普通鵟 Common Buzzard

紫翅椋鳥 Common Starling

鳳頭百靈  Creasted Lark

金翅雀 Greenfinch

斑鶲 Spotted Flycatcher

叽喳柳鶯 Chiffchaft

燕雀  Chaffinch

草原石鵖  Whinchat

黑喉石鵖 Stonechat


Thank for ajohn and Bart.
As mentioned by the guide, the best season for birding is May in Hungary.
By the calls, it would be easy to find owls and woodpeckers.

By the way, Bart,
the red-breasted flycatcher was found by a bird guide and me.
We post the photo in a birds forum at Hungary.

There is no special comments about the bird.

So, would you mind to explain your opinions about the identification for the bird?

[ Last edited by lyatming at 8/08/2013 09:57 ]


Thx, Bart,
In order to have more discussion, I have two more photos for the bird.
Here they are,

Honestly, I have no bias for whether it is a red-breasted flycatcher or a robin. I just want to have more details in discussion.

