
[Oversea] Trip in Oulu (Filand) and Arctic Circle in summer

Trip in Oulu (Filand) and Arctic Circle in summer

At the end of July and early in August, I went to Oulu (Filand) and Arctic circle for 10 days

普通秋沙鴨 Common Merganser

海鸚鵡 Puffin

短尾賊鷗 Short-tailed Jaeger

海鴉 Common murre

歐鸕鷀 European Shag

大黑背鷗 Great black-backed gull

朱頂雀 Redpoll

劍鴴 Common Ringed Plover

藍喉歌鴝 Blue-throated

黑脚三趾鷗 Black-legged Kittiwake

蠣鷸 Oystercatcher

家麻雀 House Sparrow

[ Last edited by lyatming at 22/01/2016 23:53 ]

