[quote]1. What is the focusing mode? AF/Manual? If AF, is it accurate and does it allow manual fine tuning?
2. Can the battery capacity support for a full day visit in Mai Po?
3. Does the package come with a separate charger or the battery must be charged with the DCM?
4. Can it be rotated 90 degree with a tripod so that photo can be taken vertically?[/unquote]
1. 要用手動對焦,因為我唔覺得佢有半按快門對焦既功能
2. 唔肯定答到你,因為2次都係影左半日
3. 有一條USB線用黎連住個DCM,可以CHARGE電或過相
4. 無試過影垂直既相,DCM可以rotate,不過可能要扶住,因為驚跌落地
其他: 拍Video既效果好過影相,不過今日唔知點解影唔到,唔知係咪因為我尋晚唔記得叉電,唔夠電
佢有 4 個 MODEL 俾 Minox / Kowa, Zeiss, Lecia 同 Swarosvki
Last edited by puppymic at 17/08/2009 09:36 ]