I feel lucky having joined the Mai Po outing with my friends. It was the first time for some of them being there. They like it very much and are going to join the next one. I would like to share some photos captured on that day. Please correct me if the identification is wrong.
白琵鷺 Eurasian Spoonbill
黑臉琵鷺 Black-faced Spoonbill
黑鳶 Black Kite
池鷺 Chinese Pond Heron
小白鷺 Little Egret
澤鷸 Marsh Sandpiper
休氏銀鷗 Heuglin's Gull (1st year winter)
休氏銀鷗 Heuglin's Gull, 紅嘴鷗 Black-headed Gull
紅嘴鷗 Black-headed Gull
反咀鷸 Pied Avocet
灰斑鴴Grey Plover
白腰杓鷸 Eurasian Curlew
紅嘴巨鷗 Caspian Tern
藍翡翠 Black-capped Kingfisher
灰胸秧雞 Slaty-breasted Rail
黑水雞 Common Moorhen
小鷿鶞Little Grebe
紅綠金剛鸚鵡 Red and Green Macaw
中白鷺 Intermediate Egret
Thanks for watching.