It really depends on the objective. Like Mai Po, a lot of Tilapia are dumped into #4 for feeding cormorants and some photographers went there to take photos without causing troubles. So, with this regard, I don't think there is any problem BUT it should not be quoted to support the photo-oriented feeding.
In the UK, it is known that some top wildlife photographers used baited to take good photos, like provision of a tank of small fish for Common Kingfishers and this photographer took photos from the bottom of the tank. It is very hard to say the bird will suffer from this. It looks likely a little bit of "援交".
Provision of a tank of fish or a bucket of worms does not really have detrimental effect on birds. But it may change the behaviour of a bird individual, making it more tame to potential predators like us.
In HK, we have a dense population of both people and birds. Every single action toward birds must be carefully planned. As food is plenty and winter weather is wild, so there is no justification to provide food to birds for simply taking photos. It should be back up with conservation objectives. Go to drained down ponds, harvested vegetable field or fruiting trees to take photos. Anyway, such provision of food for photo-taking is not necessary and fully justified in HK.
[ Last edited by wcaptain at 30/12/2010 14:53 ]