
[China] 鸟类放生注意事项 Important issues about bird release

鸟类放生注意事项 Important issues about bird release

Crazy!!! In Chinese only

中華佛教網 - 鸟类放生注意事项


It states some principles (releasing birds are very complicate because their wide distribution and migration). So, before bird releasing, factors like their native range, distribution, habitats, migration pattern, should be considered. Native birds should be chosen.

It lists food habits of some 30 forest/wetland/open country/garden birds that native to this region (it states Guangzhou). Recommend releasing these birds in summer (cuckoo, swifts, barn swallow, drongs, blue whishtling thrush, Black-naped Oriole) and winter (quail, buzzard, greenshank, lark, red-flanked bluetail, tristam's bunting, waxwing, white wagtail, Asian Brown Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warbler, Black-tailed Grosbeak).

They think releasing birds can be prefectly fine, if these points are followed.

Mike, I have come across some mainland forums regularly reported "events and results" of animal releases. Not sure whethe it is useful.

[ Last edited by wcaptain at 25/02/2015 17:11 ]

