
Steiner望遠鏡優惠計劃Special Offer to buy Steiner binoculars

Steiner望遠鏡優惠計劃Special Offer to buy Steiner binoculars

會員購買望遠鏡優惠計劃 (已完結)
1.        望遠鏡型號及售價可參閱附上的訂購表格;
2.        優惠只限會員,本會負責收集訂購表格及費用,會員需要在約定時間到本會辦事處領取望遠鏡;
3.        請填妥訂購表格,連同支票(抬頭:香港觀鳥會有限公司)寄回本會,會員亦可直接到本會辦公室辦理訂購手續;
4.       以下型號可在本會試用: SkyHawk Pro 8x42, SkyHawk Pro 10x32 及 SkyHawk Pro 10x26

Special Offer to Members for buying binoculars (Ended)
We are pleased to have the support of Victorinox Hong Kong Ltd for buying Steiner binoculars at a special price. The company will also make a donation of 10% of the purchase price to the Society. Details are as follows:
1.        Models and price can be found below;
2.        The Special Offer only applies to members of the Society. Please send your order form and cheque to the Society office. Members are also required to collect the ordered equipment from our office;
3.        Please attach the order form and a cheque payable to “The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society” and send to our office. You can also make an order at the office in person.
4.      The below models could be tried in our office: SkyHawk Pro 8x42, SkyHawk Pro 10x32 & SkyHawk Pro 10x26

型號及訂購表格 Models & Order Form.pdf (179.99 KB)


Memebers could keep enjoying the special offer from Steiner until further notice.

