1. 活動前兩小時,如懸掛一號風球或黃色暴雨警告,或天文台將會宣佈在未來兩小時內由較高風球改為一號風球,或紅、黑色暴雨警告改為黃色暴雨警告,活動仍會繼續。
2. 若活動開始前仍懸掛三號風球或以上或黑色暴雨警告,活動則延期至另行通知。
Adverse weather arrangement:
1. The activity will continue if typhoon signal no. 1 or Amber rainstorm warning is hoisted.
2. At 6am that morning, if the HK observatory predicts that typhoon signal will be lowered to signal no. 1 or rainstorm warning will be lowered to Amber rainstorm warning in two hours, the activity will continue.
3. The activity will be postponed if typhoon signal no. 3 or above OR Red rainstorm warning is hoisted at 7am that morning.