香港家鴉巢普查 Survey of House Crow Nest in Hong Kong
最近本會受漁農自然護理署委託,調查本港家鴉巢的數量及位置,協助漁護署減少這種入侵鳥種對本港環境及生態構成的威脅,假如會員或會友發現家鴉巢,或發現家鴉在某個固定位置經常出沒,甚至銜著樹枝等可築巢的物料,請即以電郵(hkb ws@h或PM通知我們,最好能附以地圖或相片以確定位置。
The Society has been commissioned by AFCD to conduct a survey on House Crow Nest in the coming two months. The purpose is to provide data to AFCD in order to reduce the number of this exotic species which may threaten the natural environment of Hong Kong. You are welcome to inform us the location of the nest through e-mail (hk bws@hkb or PM. Photos or map showinge exact location is most welcome.
Thank you for your help.
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society