
香港鳥類誌贈送會員 “Avifauna of HK” - a Free Gift to Members

香港鳥類誌贈送會員 “Avifauna of HK” - a Free Gift to Members

香港鳥類誌(Avifauna of Hong Kong) 贈送計劃
為感謝會員的長期支持,本會決定凡擁有一年或以上會籍的會員,而今年已經續會的會員,均可獲贈「香港鳥類誌」乙本(原價港幣$250),但需直接到本會領取,有興趣及符合要求的會員請先致電本會安排領取,數量有限,送完即止,電話:2377 4387。

“Avifauna of Hong Kong” - a Free Gift to Members
In order to acknowledge the continuous support of our members, a free gift of the "Avifauna of Hong Kong" (listed price HK$250) will be given to those who have renewed their membership in 2008 and have already been our member for at least 1 year. Qualified members are required to pick up the book in our office directly. Availability is on a "First come, First Served" basis. Please contact our office at 2377 4387 first to make the arrangement.(available while stocks last).


Yes, you are welcome.

