
Grey-faced Buzzard? Besra? Crest Goshawk??Come and discuss~!

The first bird looks a bit more like a Japanese Sparrowhawk to me. I agree totally with Mike that absolute size is difficult to judge - so I'll rely on more plumage clues. From photo 1, the primary projection seems long: at least at long as the overlying tertials; as Tony mentioned, the upper-tail pattern seems indeed to favour Japanese; also in photo 2 and 4, the wings look quite sharp and unlike the impression imparted by photo 3 - which was shot from a rather horizontal angle, making the wing look more roundish.

The second bird does look like a Besra to me - the prominent mesial stripe, thin tarsi shown very well in John's photo, and secondary bulge all seem to point away from Japanese/Crested.

Anyway, accipiters remain interesting as always...! =)

[ Last edited by kkoel at 18/10/2010 20:41 ]

