
Manchurian Reed Warbler

why not a Black-browed?


Well all of you have seen the birds and I don't and the pictures aren't that good, so I won't be affirmative on what it is and let others more experimented than me give their opinion on this bird.
Below are the reason why I've suggest Black-browed Reed Warbler :
- the lower mandible should looks entirely pale pinkish, and as far as it can be seen on the picture it seems to not be the case in this birds
- the colors of the upperpart appears quite cold brown where it should be more warm, ginger color to use the term mention by Paul Leader during the last bird banding session in Mai Po. But I know that light condition can affect a lot the real colors of the birds in the picture, so have to be cautionous with this argument.

- then it's difficult to judge from the pictures the bird shape and others features that you've notice in the field and that I haven't seen.

All the best,



Paddyfield? :-)


OOOhhh, if it is really the same bird than Brendan's pics, and I do believe it is, then it is a good example how light conditions and quality of pictures may induce in error.
On this one I fully agree that it looks pretty good for Manchurian Reed Warbler.

All the best,



also the bill shape and colors look totally different between the two set of pictures. Really a good lesson on how cautionous pictures have to be looked. Well done and great find.

All the best,


