
Flycatcher ID pls

Structure, short bill and legs, add to the repartition of rufous on head with grey crown and nape looks good for a female Vivid Niltava to me.But I agree with Paul that more picture from different angle should be better to confirm this.

All the best,



looks they are the same bird to me, but then it is not a Vivid Niltava...ah ah ah... the wisdom of elders to wait for more pictures... I should remember that...
The pale at the base of the bill suggest Fujian Niltava, there is hint of blue on the neck side, but nothing that looks like a white gorget, but could be very limited in this bird or hidden in this picture...


the quite pale whitish undertail covert seems to be good for Fujian and also rule out Vivid, Rufous-bellied and Small.

