6月在內蒙古紮賚特旗圖牧吉國家級自然保護區召開了第一次栗斑腹鵐保育研討會, 與會人員來自國際鳥盟、香港觀鳥會中國項目、北京觀鳥會、全國鳥類環志中心、東北師範大學、圖牧吉及科爾沁國家級自然保護區, 還有北京的教育專家和當地栗斑腹鵐的保育人士。 我們討論了有關栗斑腹鵐的宣傳教育計劃、聯繫通訊、種群的監測和尋找其他野外種群,並就現有群落的保護及生境恢復作了初步的討論。這次的與會人員都很積極參與討論, 落實了一些基本的工作方案, 期望以後能得到各方的支持,推動更多有關保育工作。
A round-table meeting about conservation of Jankowski's Bunting was held in early June at Tumuji National Nature Reserve, including representatives from BirdLife International, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, Beijing Bird Watching Society, National Bird Banding Centre, Northeast Normal University, Tumuji and Keerqin NNRs, as well as experts on environmental education and local conservationists. We discussed plans on promotional education, communication network, population monitoring and survey for unknown populations, habitat protection and restoration. The meeting was constructive and a simple work plan was produced. We wish that more conservation work will be carried out in the next stage with more supports.
國際鳥盟就會議剛發了新聞稿 Press release by BirdLife: