The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. This year, the theme is Island Biodiversity, which promotes the conservation importance of the unique ecosystems of Islands and their surrounding near-shore marine areas. I want to take this opportunity to promote the conservation of Chinese Crested Terns and other seabirds, which use islands as their main breeding grounds.
聯合國環境署把每年的5月22日定為國際生物多樣性日, 以提高公眾對生物多樣性議題的認識及意識。今年的主題為島嶼生物多樣性, 以推廣島嶼及其周邊海域生態的重要性。借此機會再宣傳一下中華鳳頭燕鷗和其他海鳥的保育!!!
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