China Bird Report 2006 has arrived HKBWS office! The price is HK$100 and the money will be treated as a donation to the China Ornithological Society. You can now buy a copy in HKBWS office or by mail where an extra HK$25 is needed as postal charge. Please make the cheque payable to "The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Limited" if a cheque is used.
中國觀鳥年報 2006 已到達香港觀鳥會辦公室了!
你可以親身到辦公室購買 (每本 HK$100) 或以郵寄方法訂購. 郵寄將另加 HK$25 郵寄費用. 如使用支票付款, 台頭請寫上 "香港觀鳥會有限公司". 所得款項將當作中國鳥類學會捐款.