
How do people change their User name

username/login name & name to be displayed in the portal

Hi Bob,

Due to security reason and so as to factilitate our future website maintenance, we will not accept any username/logname which is not complied with our requirements, i.e. username should be formed by the 1st letter of the Lastname(surname/family name) plus the whole firstname (given name).

The registration with "badegg01" is unacceptable and has been deleted.
Although we will handle the registration from time to time, we may need one to two days or even longer time to handle all the registration. Maybe you can see some invalid username in the members list but I can tell you that they are not activated yet.

In fact, we have just added a "Name" field in the "rofile" section which you can input your name in it and then your name will be displayed/showed in the profile information, messages & etc.


Forrest FONG


Just a quick response to ckenn's query.

If members are allowed to use the username as mentioned by ckenn, the admin group needs to check 8 possible options for finding out a member named as CHAN Tai Man David.
I also don't think this would sovle the so-called privacy problem mentioned by yjoe.

I really don't understand why some members keep refusing to make use of the "name" field provided in the profile section to display their name in the portal & posts but just rely on the username/login name for id their existence. I don't think our members are mean to privide their signature at the end of their posts.



Please stop doing it!

Hi Waterblowing,

Could you please stop using the username Waterblowing or BWater and providing Bird and Water & etc as your firstname and lastname (email: for registering in the portal.
I really don't know why you still using these name to register in the forum after posting your above message.

The registeration requirement is alreadly clearly mentioned in my pervious emails sent to you.

Please understand that not only your registration will be rejected, unnecessary workload to the admin group has been created by your non-compliance registration.


Forrest FONG


[quote:6be1c11dd7="thendrix"]the point is also not about use the "name" field or not . the point is user don't want to show real name .[/quote]
I really really don't understand why user likes to show their full real name in their photos posted onto the forums but don't want to show 1st letter of their lastname in the loginID. :?:


