
Hair-crested Drongo 髮冠卷尾

Forums Arrangement of HK Birds

Dear Mike,

Sorry for the late response to your earlier queries as I am fully engaged by different issues after launching the new portal/forums.

For the arrangement of the forums in the Birds of HK section, the forums are created and arranged at the order based on the content of the new book "Birds of HK & SChina" so that members can make reference to the this book (I think all of us will have at least a copy in hand) to post and find the photos. However, if we put each bird group into a single forum, it will have too many single forums appear at the screen and the list of forums will be very long. Therefore, I combined some of them into a single forum and use the most dominate group as the forum name. If you take a look of the forum section below, you'll see how they are being arranged.

Forums Arrangement for Landbirds

However, I know that it may be quite odd & misleading when we just look at the path above the heading of a post, eg. Birds of Hong Kong


Forums Arrangement of HK Birds

Hi Geoff,

Thanks a lot.

The "Jacanas" has be relocated to Shorebirds Section.

Maybe most of us don't know the difference between waterbirds and shorebirds. Can you tell us?


