
ID about "Vega" Gulls

The discussion above highlights the differences and the difficulties about where to draw the line between taimyrensis and vegae. To further complicate the issue, birulai has been described in the past as a western form of vegae. Whilst mantle colours are subject to light and angle, the left hand bird in pic 2 does appear significantly paler on the mantle which fits birulai. If birulai is recognised as a valid taxon [and Yesou does not], and if it typically has a later wing moult than nominate vegae [not known], then this bird would be a possible candidate. Lots of "ifs" there!

However, I do believe that among the "Vega type" gulls there are acceptable records, which by now should have completed wing moult [see seperate discussion of one of yesterday's birds]. Please continue with the excellent photos of such birds  as well as the hybrids. Photos of upperwings or underside of wings [say when birds alight] all help to categorise relevant features including wing moult and wing tip pattern.

Mike Chalmers

