
ID for a ringed plover, pls.

Remember also to eliminate Semipalmated Plover which is a possible vagrant from North America.

The race of Ringed Plover in east Asia is tundrae which is smaller than the nominate European Ringed Plovers and closer in structure and plumage to Semipalmated. With such good photos, you can see that the black lores meet the lower mandible, which confirms it is not a Semipalmated Plover because in Semipalmated the black joins the bill higher up with the white chin extending up against the lower mandible.

Because of the partial yellow eye-ring and lack of any colour at base of bill, agree with others above that this looks like Little Ringed Plover whereas the seperate bird posted by Peter & Michelle looks good for Ringed Plover.

Mike Chalmers

[ Last edited by cmichaell at 20/02/2010 17:26 ]

