I think it's pointless to judge the act of a single person here. The 'offender's' point is well taken and those of others equally noted. But I think it's worth responding to Fai gor's suggestions. Maybe our attention should be turned to how to prevent this from happening again, or what role HKBWS should take in this aspect.
As a member of HKBWS, I do not agree that our resources should be put into guided tours of Maipo for beginners, which as others have suggested would be redundant with that of WWF. The rules and etiquette of Mai Po could be efficiently posted onto this website, or at most (though I don't think we should waste paper) be put into pamphlets to be distributed to new members. Just like the code for bird photography posted here. Both WWF and HKBWS are non-profit making organisations with limited resources that we cannot afford entertaining each and every new member, making sure they bahave well, but rather to have our resources put into more productive activities.
Before replying this thread I've tried to see things from a newbie's perspective. Is there anything that the HKBWS should have done but haven't that we as an organisation should be blamed for the 'improper' act of individuals? Are the members appears to be unfriendly to newcomers making them afraid of asking questions that many would have regarded as stupid?
As others have already pointed out, WWF, but not HKBWS, is the management of MP. The permit is a sort of agreement between WWF and the permittee. HKBWS is only the means to get one. Those applying for a permit, should at least spend a little bit of time understanding who's granting you that permit, as well as the terms and conditions of that permit, which means not only what you're entitled to, but also what you're obliged to. Let me use an example: Most people driving a car have never even looked at the whole legislation on traffic rules. But when you've broken a traffic law which you're ignorant of, would you put the blame on someone else or your driving school? You don't get someone briefing you each and every clause of the traffic rules, nor is there any pamphlet that comes along with your new licence. But by conduct, by driving without even looking all over the tedious rules, you take up the responsibility, and thus the blame. I think it's not a very different case here.
Obviously nobody would ever study the local traffic laws before they drive. We would ask friends or learn seeing what others do instead. Is the HKBWS so impenetrable that makes newbies afraid to ask questions in order to learn from fellow members? I don't think the members and the people in this forum are not friendly or helpful. I even find most of us here way more friendly than what I've expected them to be when I was new to HKBWS. And we're so blessed that we can ask questions here on the internet and there're plenty of people desparate to help. The only question is that we don't bother to ask, or that we're too afraid of asking questions.
I think posting the rules and suggested etiquette on this forum is helpful and that should be what HKBWS should reasonably do at most, out of good faith, but not as an obligation. The other suggestion I have is to add a personal message link that will direct questions to HKBWS officer, so that there's a channel for 'stupid' questions (no question is stupid anyway) to be taken care of.
Pardon me for such boring stuff. I just hope to contribute directing this discussion to a meaningful conclusion.