
Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher--Po Shan Road area 白喉林鶲

Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher--Po Shan Road area 白喉林鶲

5 Sep 2010: Around 11:00 am just observed a Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher.  

The bird is off a concrete trail of Po Shan Road.  From Po Shan Road, Hong Kong Island, the road narrows and curves to descend to Realty Gardens.  By the uppermost curve there is a small concrete foot trail that heads in the direction of Central.  Follow this trail (in the direction of Central) about 150 meters.  On the right look for a large boulder and on the left a large swimming pool in the distance.  The bird was low down in bamboo.  Warning: mosquitoes are ferocious here.  Don't go without liberal amounts of insect repellent.



Went back to spot at 4:00pm.  Another birder was waiting and left around at 5:00--he said the birders who had it at 3:00 said the bird was calling.  The bird showed again at 5:15pm. Both times I had it was completely quiet.  Managed to get a few slightly better photos.


I stopped by this area today morning (Tuesday).  I did not have too much time so I spent about 15 min in the area of the flycatcher.  I did not see it but I think it could be still there. I may have time to go back later in the week to check again.

