
Lam Tsuen, Winter 2010-11

White-browed Fantail? That would be a Hong Kong first. Is this a typo or an ex-cage bird? If not can we have some more details on the location?


5 March 2011

On the path to Tai Om Shan in the hackberry tree near the cemetery, I had a Hawfinch at about 9:20 (while looking for Grosbeaks). Got a few record photos. The bird was not seen again for the rest of the morning.

Other good birds seen mostly around these bare trees were:

1 Crested Goshawk
1 Besra
1 Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike
1 Ashy drongo
3 Hair-crested Bubuls
1 Pale Thrush
1 Red-throated Flycatcher
1 Black-faced Bunting
8 Chinese Grosbeaks


After going to Tai Om many times, I finally got the two Japanese Grosbeaks, on the trail to Tai Om near the top of the abandoned orchard. There was also an Oriental Honey-buzzard hanging around. I am sure that is the individual seen a week or so ago at Fung Yuen based on the photos of that bird.

Post photos later.


No Hawfinch was seen.  I assume this is the flock Kwan saw on Sunday which had the Hawfinch and the Japanese Grosbeaks. However the Hawfinch was not present with this flock today.  I didn't look at the trees by the cemetery too much today as I was looking at the Japanese Grosbeaks and then the Oriental Honey-buzzard.

On Tuesday, I had a large flock of 30 Chinese Grosbeaks by the cemetery but that flock contained no Hawfinch nor Japanese Grosbeaks. It seems that there are several flocks of Chinese Grosbeaks around and the Hawfinch only casually associates with those flocks.

