
Unknown Duck

Unknown Duck

I saw an unknown duck at Nam Sang Wai today 15Dec.

It appear similar size to a bit bigger than Common Teal.
I think it is a female duck similar to a Common Teal but the facial pattern is wired.
It is darken around the eye, looks like a dark ring around the eye.
But the face is pale brown in colour, except where just next to the beak which appear rufous brown .
It has a black beak. There is a bluish green feather on wing.
I can't get a photo of it as my cell phone doesn't work good with the telescope.
I saw a photographer nearby and asked him to take some photos of it.
I hope he will post the photo here....
Tony Hung


I see. I have not seen this mode of moulting before.
This is interesting to see it. Thanks John.
Tony Hung

