
Bird Rescure 野鳥拯救隊

Two kinds of action proposed here:
first is bird rescure, second is report illegal act.
I have reservation on first but support the second.

For the bird rescure, first things need to be considered is the legal issue. Whilst it is iterally illegal to touch a wild bird, we need government's authorization before we can handle an injured bird. Who has such priveilage to be authorized? All HKBWS members? It sounds infeasible.
From moral aspects, death and injury of nestling is part of nature, I see no reason to interfere with. Some birds can have 2 or more broods in each year which produce a considerable number of offspring to off-set the natural mortality. It is totally a natural process that I do not think it should be determined by human.   
Even though you manage to raise funding for conducting such project, there are a lot of things need to consider.

For Captain's idea of reporting observation of interest, I totally agree and looking forward any detail proposal.


[ Last edited by gary at 24/08/2010 15:17 ]

