
AGM this year 今年會員大會將於十月廿一日舉行

Original posted by HFCheung at 22/10/2008 12:02
On the AGM last night, other than elect the same BoD, the other major resolutions are:
1. Increase individual membership fee from HK$250 to $270.  This is a mild increase in line with inflation in th ...
It sounds to me 2 different issues although I’m neutral to the decision.  If we encounter the problem of over-crowded in outing, the Society should increase the frequency of outing to serve more birdwatchers. I think charging of non-member or limit the participations of non-member is a policy of the Society rather than a method for raising money.  Setting limitation to non-member is a way to control over-crowding problem but I think it’s not a very good choice. Let me think of this way.  If we charge $20 for each non-member for each outing.  And let’s says we have 15 non-member each time. Then we would generate $20x15 = $300 each outing. Three outings per month x 12 months, the society can raise $10,800 each year which is equal to 40 membership fees. Recruiting more member or keeping old member renew is the best choice for increasing income.
Of course, increasing member number means higher demand on membership activities.  It has been a long problem of lacking man power to participate in volunteer job for the Society and it has not been a easy task to motivate people to do volunteer job either.
Facing the economic downturn, I think the Society should outlook for the near future.  The volunteer power had been the most valuable assets of the Society but fading in recent years. I always think the first priority task of the Society is to recruit more members, organizing more membership activities to strengthen “centre-society” force among members which in turn building up the Society.

