
[Tai Po Kau 大埔滘] Recording the location of ‘bird flocks’ - sample of Tai Po Kau

That's great, a lot of improved idea.
The most important point is the focus on mixed species flock in woodland. This bird wave is fundamentally different in ecology to those bird flock of egrets in MP. I was very puzzled when I heard the proposed study of bird flock at very beginning, by mixing woodland and wetland flock in same account. Now is much better.

The seasonal pattern recorded is concordance to my observation or many other birdwatchers'.
Late March is definitely a watershed for woodland species in TPK to start breeding behavior. If the data are well collected, it can be modified as an indicator to the bird fauna in woodland, and even to climate change!!

Whilst I see the survey is more focused on "hotspot", I'm more concerned on bird's behavior. I guess in HK, the function of bird wave is more on foraging than distracting predator (as the abundance of predator is not high, I think) which make me perceive that birds foraging in bird wave are higher success in picking insect than those forage singly. Bird wave is probably a very important behavoir for woodland/wintering birds survive the winter. And I think it is worth to study more.

Good job. and wait for more result.

