
[Gulls] Vega Gull 西伯利亞銀

This bird looks pretty good for a pure Vega Gull, as there is little obviously suggestive of heuglini.

The crown is rounded, the upperparts are a shade or two paler than the heuglini, primary moult appears just about complete, and the legs are pure pink, with no hint of cream or yellow.

The iris appears pretty dark, and while many vegae do have a pale iris midwinter, few heuglini have a dark one (though the bird adjacent does appear to have one!). It's not very large, which might indicate some heuglini influence; however, size in gulls varies greatly. Presumably it's a female.

I would guess this is a younger adult, as the p10 mirror is relatively small and rather far from the white tip; the relatively extensive and dark spot near the bill tip probably supports this.


[ Last edited by cgeoff at 6/02/2010 09:34 ]

