
Arctic Warbler sp?

Following on from the discussion above regarding the identity of vocalising 'Arctic Warblers' in HK, this morning I recorded at Pak Sha O both song and call of Phylloscopus borealis from the same bird. Two of the sonagrams show different song phrases, and the third illustrates the call. I have identified this bird as borealis on the basis of the following:

2-3 elements in each syllable
repetition of the same syllable, with no others interspersed (i.e. AAAA)
the very similar pitch of each syllable, with no obvious change in the final element
call: peak frequency around 6000hz, covering a relatively narrow range ('peak' here doesn't mean the highest, but frequency that is 'strongest').

The rather simple composition of each syllable indicates borealis, rather than kennicotti.


borealis song call.mp3 (162.75 KB)

[ Last edited by cgeoff at 3/05/2014 16:11 ]

