Anybody considering trapping this bird should be very careful about landing on the island, as this will cause massive disturbance and might lead to colony abandonment (as might have happened recently in HK when fishermen landed on an island). I find it difficult to see how this bird could be trapped at or near the breeding colony.
The best option for catching this bird is likely to be on the Mainland, on the sand flats near Fuzhou. As the bird weakens, assuming it does, over the next few days it will need to find somewhere it can rest permanently, on land. If this is at the beach near Fuzhou, it might be possible to walk up to it and pick it up, take the item off and rehabilitate it with water and food over a couple of days.
However, this would require patience, people out looking for the bird and a lot of luck!
[ Last edited by cgeoff at 23/07/2008 11:28 ]