Dear all
The basic factors are, I think, have been laid before the forum. To be a responsible government body,
AFCD should take precautionary measures by steps. HK parents are, in my opinion, on average over-protective of their children. To dispell their fear, the initial step might be stopping of all
guided tours for schools. Next could be to limit the age or no. of visitors daily, say over 21 years old
and 200 respectively.
The above suggestions are by no means science-based. But they align to the present political and
military policy of a superpower state that they will not resort to nuclear weapons when they
first suffer armed attack of any kind. In a word, AFCD should review their present policy and decision making mechanism as regards birdflu happening in HK. The present one is just like death sentence
for all criminal offences, be it spitting in the street or murder of the first order.
I do hope WWFHK and HKBWS management people are reading our discussion and take up necessary steps.
I look forward to reading what comments Bena and Dr Cheung Ho Fai would make and action they intend
to take.
S L Tai