
Pipit ID?

What pipit?

Your bird in the photo is a Pechora's pipit.

The wing projection, the whitish underbody and pale lore before eye (lack of dark stripe)
reveal its identiy.


S L Tai


My dear friend

You've forgotten to mention the date and place you got the bird. Please do it.

S L Tai


for those who've given comments after mine and others

I now withdraw my comments for the following reasons.

First the bird does not show primary projection beyond the tertials. What shows beyond the tertials
are just uppertail coverts at a closer look.

Second, the back lacks blackish/dark stripes that contrast with whitish/very pale ones.

However, albiet a buff-bellied, it is certainly atypical for lack of gray overcast on head, headside
and lesser wing coverts.

I would certainly like comments from experts like members of the record committee of the society
to decide the issue.

S L Tai

