
Bird ID (10)

On birdwatching

Dear Raymond

I believe you must be a young man at the beginning of bird-photographing and as such deserves my full
understanding. But in your case you seem to be totally ignorant of birds as regards identification -
a total lack of knowledge about birds, at least as failing to name one of the commonest birds at Mai
Po - Little egret.

The society is about bird-watching. If your lack of basic rudimentary skills continues, you will face frustration very often, so often that it will dampen your enthusiasm.

What I suggest in your case is that get the true bird-watching spirit. Learn the birds by joing others
who are experienced, like the Sunday birding outings of the society and find yourself a basic book -which
I think 'The Birds of Hong Kong and South China' by Clive Viney, Karen Phillipps and Lam Chiu Ying.
You can either choose the Chinese or English version. It is defintely value for money for a novice like you.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 1/12/2010 21:13 ]

