
Hawfinch 鍚咀雀

Dear all

While Hong Kong has a bird market and we must be cautious about birds' natural existence, we have also
to be cautious when we apply the yardstick of 'tameness'.

As regards logic, ex-captives and tameness are not necessarily twins of the same phenonmenon. Ex-captives may be at the same time looks tame and quite approachable, but the logic may not be equally
reversible, namely, wild birds may also be quite approachable and therefore tameness does not necessarily
imply ex-captivity.

The statistics and occurrences of Hawfinches are quite against G.C.'s approach as regards the species
in question.

I would turn down Hawfinches seen in Hong Kong as wild if they would not have been here as regards weather, their migratory history and recent records. Make more research if one's knowledge is found in want.  

Other finches are winter vistiors. Why not Hawfinches? Could someone advise me about the "why not'?

Meanwhile I will enrich my own knowledge about finches in HK and Hawfinches in particular.
Palaeartically (no time to confirm spelling) researched if necessary.

S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 5/03/2011 21:31 ]

