
Herpestes javanicus紅頰獴

Consevation and its results

It is both nice and with a feeling of pride to see such beautiful a mammal equally matched in photographic
manifestation. The mongoose's existence and prosperity at Mai Po and procupines found around Tai Mo Shan
(an elderly man told me he saw a mother with her young one at Lead Mine Pass some days ago) give me comfort that HK people have virtually stop hunting and our natural environment is overall speaking improving, though South-China tigers surely will never make their appearance before us anymore!

S L Tai


King cobra at Mai Po

King cobras are all around MPNR. Given right place at the right time they will show well before you.
Ask the reserve helpers/workers, they will surely tell vivid encounters of them. Personally
I saw a big one right beside the gate that pass us out to the boardwalk.

S L Tai

